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GP Connect – ‘Update Record’ functionality go live

Important - GP Connect: Update Record

Following on from communication issued on 8th April below surrounding ‘GP Connect – Update Record Functionality’. The below message acts as a reminder:

The pharmacy system, with the ‘Update Record’ functionality has gone live with other Pharmacy System suppliers coming on in the next few weeks. 

The functionality allows consultation data from community pharmacy to flow safely into the GP systems. 

The consequence of that is that patients will be able to see the consultation notes on their app AND may include contraception data which may be considered sensitive by some, if parents (for example) have proxy access to the app. 

NHSE have issued the following information and guidance  GP Connect: Update Record - NHS England Digital

Update: In addition, NHS England have now shared, via the link above, information which highlights that both patients and GPs will be able to access records made for these services in the pharmacy - Blood Pressure, Oral Contraception, Pharmacy First (Minor Illness and Clinical Pathways Services)


  1. Please refer to the link above. 
  2. Ensure all records and notes are accurate and made at the time of consultation (unless the system is down). 
  3. Where there is concern that a patient may not want the consultation notes visible (for example an under 16-year-old receiving contraception) pharmacies should record that consent is not given to share information with the GP. 


8th April 2024

The first pharmacy system, with the ‘Update Record’ functionality has gone live with other Pharmacy System suppliers coming on in the next few weeks.

The functionality allows consultation data from community pharmacy to flow safely into the GP systems.

The consequence of that is that patients will be able to see the consultation notes on their app AND may include contraception data which may be considered sensitive by some, if parents (for example) have proxy access to the app.

NHSE have issued the following information and guidance  GP Connect: Update Record - NHS England Digital.

Action : 

  1. Ensure all records and notes are accurate and made at the time of consultation (unless the system is down).
  2. Where there is concern that a patient may not want the consultation notes visible (for example an under 16-year-old receiving contraception) pharmacies should record that consent is not given to share information with the GP.