Risk factors

HIGH RISK There is a high risk of contracting malaria in this region, appropriate chemoprophylaxis along with bite avoidance measures are essential.
VARIABLE RISK The risk of contracting malaria varies within the region, appropriate chemoprophylaxis along with bite avoidance measures are essential.
LOW RISK ADDITIONAL* For most travellers there is a low risk of contracting malaria however there is additional advice for certain travellers with additional risk factors.*
LOW/NO RISK There is a low risk of contracting malaria in this region, with no risk at all in some areas.
NO RISK There is no risk of contracting malaria in this region.


Additional risk factors*

In specified regions antimalarial chemoprophylaxis is recommended for certain higher risk groups of traveller, including:

  • Young children.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Those with extended travel into rural areas.
  • Those visiting friends and relatives.
  • Those without a spleen.
  • Those who are immunosuppressed or immunocompromised.
  • Travellers with significant co-morbidity.

Prophylaxis regimen

MAL/DOX/MEF Atovaquone+proguanil (Malarone®) or doxycycline or mefloquine (Lariam®) are the regimens of choice.
CHLOR(P) Chloroquine is the regimen of choice or proguanil if chloroquine is not tolerated.
PC Proguanil+chloroquine is the regimen of choice.
AVOIDANCE No chemoprophylaxis is required however bite avoidance measures, including the use of repellents, nets and suitable clothing must be recommended. Awareness of risk and prompt diagnosis of any feverish illness should be stressed.
AVOIDANCE OR MAL/DOX/MEF* In regions with additional advice, travellers with additional risk factors* will require chemoprophylaxis. Atovaquone+proguanil (Malarone®) or doxycycline or mefloquine (Lariam®) are the regimens of choice. For all other travellers bite avoidance measures are required.
MAL/DOX Atovaquone+proguanil or doxycyline are the regimens of choice (mefloquine is inappropriate due to levels of resistance)
NONE No chemoprophylaxis is required as no risk of malaria is present (bite avoidance measures may be required for other insect-borne diseases)
(OR) Brackets denote alternative regimen option if prophylaxis of choice is contra-indicated or not tolerated


Drug resistance

CHLOR Resistance to chloroquine has been reported in plasmodium spp. in the region.
MULTI-DRUG Resistance to multiple drugs including chloroquine, artesunate, mefloquine, lumefantrine and piperaquine has been reported.
MEF Resistance to mefloquine has been reported in plasmodium spp. in the region.
NONE No resistance to chemoprophylaxis has been reported in the region


Seasonal risk

ALL Risk of malaria is present during all months of the year.
ALL, esp. JUN-NOV (for example) Risk of malaria is present during all months of the year however the risk is highest between the months stated.
MAY-OCT (for example) Risk of malaria is present only during the stated months.