Golden tote in colour with black and white background of warehouse

“We are more efficient than we have ever been”

Golden Tote continues to revolutionise the way in which pharmacies across the country operate, with a semi-automated repeat prescription process that is accessible through your existing EMIS PMR. The system is radically improving accuracy, safety and efficiency within pharmacies, and could be the perfect tool to maximise the potential of your business.

Colin Pickles is the manager of Field Street Pharmacy in Loughborough, where his team have been working with Golden Tote for just over a year, and the pharmacy were already more than prepared for its arrival: “The main concern we had was space, but because we had a shop refit we allocated an area for Golden Tote and were able to get moving with it straight away.”

Colin has worked in the pharmacy industry since 1983, and despite being used to working in a particular way for a number of decades he was very open to the introduction of new technologies. This has allowed the pharmacy to hit the ground running and realise the benefits almost immediately.

“Prior to Golden Tote we had lots of baskets on the bench that were piled up high waiting to be checked by a pharmacist, giving us very little room to work. The new system has allowed us to significantly speed things up, making our day to day working life much easier and ensuring that we are more efficient than we have ever been.”

“Once the system is in place you will notice the improvements very early on”


“We are able to use the staff hours we have saved to focus on other things which we have previously had to push to one side. It has also allowed us to spend more time with customers and improve the stock organisation within the shop. Everything is significantly easier than it used to be as a result of the technology.”

The fantastic team at Field Street have done an excellent job of serving the local community for a number of years. Golden Tote has added another dimension to the dispensing processes and has allowed the business to get even more out of the staff and their capabilities.

“All things considered I would absolutely recommend Golden Tote to other pharmacies. It is important to ensure that you have sufficient space in order to get the most out of the technology, but once the system is in place you will notice the improvements very early on.”