Numark community pharmacy assurance framework (CPAF) - essential service dispensing pre-visit questionnaire template.

This guide will help you answer the Community Pharmacy Assurance Framework (CPAF) questionnaire.

These questionnaires were used by the former PCTs to support their contract visits.

As part of the NHS reforms these questionnaires have been standardised so local Area Teams can monitor contractors consistently.

The CPAF form is available electronically on the PharmOutcomes site.

Even though NHS England has stopped using this platform, we recommend you use the electronic versions so you can refer to your answers each year.

Aims of the CPAF template

  • Help you conform to the pharmacy assurance visit requirements by helping you complete the CPAF form.
  • Use in conjunction with our GPhC evidence guide.
  • This guide refers you to appropriate articles/SOPs or an explaination on how the question can be answered.

Essential Service 1

Essential Service 2

Essential Service 3

Essential Service 4

Essential Service 5

Essential Service 6

Clinical Governance

Advanced Service - New Medicine Service

Advanced Services - Appliance Use Review

How to use this template

Columns 1-3 are the standard questions and statements associated with the CPAF.

This is replicated both as an online questionnaire in conjunction with PharmOutcomes or as an Excel spreadsheet contractors have to fill in column 4 and submit manually.

Most SOPs can be downloaded on NumarkNet.

Terms of service are set out in Schedule 4 of the NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013, Statutory Instrument number 349.